The Social Times (©Kari Dunn Buron) was originally published as a monthly social group magazine in 2009. After 4 years, the magazine was discontinued due to the high cost of production. Many users contacted me and asked that something be created to take the place of the magazine. At that time, I developed The Social Times Curriculum. The curriculum made use of the first 3 years of the magazines by creating a book where each chapter was one of the magazines. The teacher book was filled with ideas for expanding on the topics covered in the 24 chapters. Alas, that curriculum did not capture the attention of teachers as I had hoped.
I am now launching a new idea. Free stuff. I love the magazine and want to offer the past issues to educators as free downloads. My plan is to post each issue for one month. During that time, you are welcome to download the issue and the accompanying teacher support information to use in your classroom or therapy groups.
If you would like a “heads up” about each new issue, please sign up for my newsletter by sending your name and email address through this link:
I am now launching a new idea. Free stuff. I love the magazine and want to offer the past issues to educators as free downloads. My plan is to post each issue for one month. During that time, you are welcome to download the issue and the accompanying teacher support information to use in your classroom or therapy groups.
If you would like a “heads up” about each new issue, please sign up for my newsletter by sending your name and email address through this link:
Issue 1

Social Times 1.pdf |

Social Times 1 Teachers Materials.pdf |
Social Times 2

Social Times 2.pdf |

Social Times 2 Teacher's Materials.pdf |
Social Times 3

Social Times 3.pdf |

Social Times 3 Teacher Materials.pdf |